Monday, August 16, 2010

Hard Workout

Definitely clears my head! After my frazzled day I went to workout. And let me tell you that was the best idea EVER!!! I got all of my frustration and stress out in a few miles run, some weight lifting and core....WHEW!!!!!!

  Now I can start tomorrow with a clear head and not be frustrated!!! So, plan of attack tomorrow: first thing is to go figure out my classes..without crying! Secondly I need to go to the bank. Thirdly I need a parking pass and fourth thing is I need to go to hollister to see about transferring here...OK!!!!

Lets pray it all goes over smoothly!!!

*Things to Pray About*
  • Getting my classes registered and taking the right courses!!!
  • Don't be frustrated so easily!!!!
  • My family
  • Auntie Schel....she helps me out sooo much!!!!
  • don't get lost!!!