Friday, August 13, 2010

Maybe things are soooo bad!

After getting out of the house...even for a few hours...I realized that things aren't horribly bad. I mean dont get me wrong, it's still really hard being here and being far away from home but it can be bearable! I went to dinner with some family and geesh,...reality hit. I'm not the only black person around!!!!
    I know i know...DUHHHH!!!!
But seriously if you've ever been to Spokane, WA you would understand. There aren't that many black people so I've always been the token black. It was crazy to walk into a restaurant and see all blacks. I saw one white guy and he looked awkward in the setting...I'm sure I looked awkward to. I definitely dont dress like people here
       But FYI to some of the women here: It is NOT ok to wear brown heels with an all BLACK outfit!!!! Even if the shoes are cute you STILL look ridiculous!!! SMH!!!!

Alright well thats all tonight! Peace out yall!!!!

*Things to Pray About*
  • my grandma
  • mommys health..she went to the doctors and didnt get great news
  • my cousin Emory..facing some hard times
  • a certain boy back sucks that I had to leave and cant get him off my mind :(
  • the general health and wellness for my WHOLE family
  • For the strength to continue tomorrow!!!!

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